Snellings Law in the Community
Explore our community involvement and learn more about us in our monthly newsletters.
July 2023: The American Dream Blueprint
Home July 2023: The American Dream Blueprint No matter where their passions lie, driven individuals tend to surround themselves with other driven people. I’ve had
June 2023: Behind the Scenes
Home June 2023: Behind the Scenes There’s a front side and a back side to everything in life. When you go out to eat, you
May 2023: Meet the Snellings Law Team
Home May 2023: Meet the Snellings Law Team If you know me, you’ll see that I take great pride in our team at Snellings Law.
April 2023: Keep Greedy Fingers Out of Your Insurance Claim Settlement
Home April 2023: Keep Greedy Fingers Out of Your Insurance Claim Settlement If you remember your first job, then you know the feelings that came
March 2023: To-Do List: Live in the Moment
March 2023: To-Do List: Live in the Moment One of the most common pieces of advice I hear others offer is to be completely “there,”
February 2023: The Secret to Success: Leading Effective Team Meetings
February 2023: The Secret to Success: Leading Effective Team Meetings As lawyers and attorneys, we are expected to be fluent and effective communicators. After all,