Gathering Evidence
Helping your attorney gather evidence to document and prove every aspect of your claim is critical to recovering full value. In fact, that is one of the most important concepts we cover during our new client meeting. Usually, we find that most people understand the importance of evidence in proving a claim or position from reading books, watching television shows, and even in trying to prove our own points during an argument. We spend significant time with our clients on what types of evidence are most persuasive and are admissible in Court.
Report Injuries Symptoms
One thing I have seen over and over again when I sit down with injury victims is how few people are reporting every injury and symptom to their treatment providers. Most of our clients tend to focus on the one or two injuries causing them the most pain or worry. They report those to their physicians and just put the others on the back-burner to be addressed at a later date. As I go through the interview process and ask them about each body part, head-to-toe, there are usually numerous injuries or symptoms that will appear nowhere in any initial medical records because the victim never reported them. By failing to provide all of your symptoms to your treating physician, you are depriving them of the full picture they need to see in order to fully diagnose and treat your injuries.
Seek Medical Treatment
In the immediate aftermath of a crash, adrenaline can take over. It pumps through our veins and can mask the severity of injuries we have suffered. Many times, it is only after our body has processed the adrenaline that we begin to truly feel the severity of the pain. We have had several clients come in to our offices with significant injuries that were not immediately apparent. By way of example, one such client recounted her story of being involved in a crash and going to the emergency room two days later when her neck pain continued to worsen. After reviewing several x-rays, her emergency room doctor returned to our client’s room and reported that she had fractured her neck. We have also had numerous clients that have suffered head injuries during a crash that do not end up seeking treatment until days or even weeks later when their post-concussion symptoms become unbearable.