Life Redefined: Charting Your Path After Spinal Cord Injury

Life Redefined: Charting Your Path After Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury (SCI) can abruptly alter the course of one’s life. In a split second, injury victims are left grappling with the long-term physical, emotional, and financial aftermath of these catastrophic injuries. With ever-multiplying construction zones and growing numbers of distracted and irresponsible drivers, North Texans are at risk of spinal cord injuries every time they get on the road.

Step by Step: Proven Processes Produce Results

processes and systems

Everyone at Snellings Law shares that same commitment to preparation. That’s why we use systems and processes to keep every case on track. Our time-tested playbook ensures consistent quality and leaves no stone unturned.

The Recovery Fallacy

The Recovery Fallacy

Recovery can take on several meanings after suffering a personal injury. You’re entitled to recover your quality of life, recover financial damages, and – most importantly — recover your health.

The Doctor Won’t See You Now

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The world seemed less complicated and more reliable back when I was a kid. Parents kept me safe, teachers helped me learn, and the family doctor was always there for bumps, bruises, illness…and lollipops if I behaved. It was a support system that I took for granted.

Our Calling

our purpose

At Snellings Law, we handle a range of personal injury cases, representing victims who have suffered impairment or death in a variety of unfortunate ways: negligent child care, motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian accidents, and more.

But finding a fit with an attorney isn’t like hiring a mechanic or accountant; it’s not only about WHAT a lawyer does, but also WHY they do it. Beyond qualifications and experience, you need a passionate advocate who understands the impact of loss and recovery on your life.

Let me tell you a bit about our motivation, so you can judge if we’re the right firm for you.

Are Dash Cams Worth the Money?

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Let’s reach into the bag of favorite insurance adjuster lines and pull one out – there we go! A classic! This is just a “he said/she said accident.” Ah yes, the good ol’ he said/she said. This is their go to when there are no “independent witnesses” stating who was at-fault, even if there is a crash report placing fault on their insured or we have four people in my client’s vehicle and their insured was alone and drunk. I sometimes wonder if the adjuster using the phrase even understands what it means.

Well, you can imagine how much I LOVE being able to say in my best Lee Corso voice, “Not so fast, my friend. We have a dashcam video.” The response is always a sign accompanied with a “send it on over.”

Contact in Bicycle Accidents


When I was a kid, we rode our bikes everywhere, even where we may not should have been riding them. On Saturday mornings, I would get up and head straight out the back door to grab my bike and head out to find my friends…that is unless I had to mow the lawn first. I recall one day when we were all riding down the street on our way to the park when a car of teenagers coming the opposite direction swerved over toward us like they were going to run us over. All of us swerved to our right and up onto the curb and/or grass. Thankfully, none of us crashed, but each of our hearts was pounding!

Your Burden of Proof

Burden of Proof

Many have heard the stories of law school professors calling on students, making them stand, and then tormenting them for any number of transgressions. I had certainly heard those stories before hearing my name called out in a class of about 75 strangers in my first week of law school.

“Mr. Snellings, please tell us what the burden of proofis for a plaintiff in a civil trial.”

I have no idea if I answered correctly, but I do recall how thin the air seemed when I stood up to answer the question.

What is negligence?

Personal Injury Negligence

There is no shortage of car crashes each year here in Texas. Most of us have either been in a car crash or had a close friend or family member who has been in one. In the aftermath of a crash, one very important question is, who was at fault? While we may think this is a relatively straightforward question – it can be more complex than we think.

John has rear ended another car and injured Ellen. Is he liable for her injuries? A jury would need to decide based on whether or not John’s negligence proximately caused the crash/injuries

Credibility is Everything


We all have that one friend with questionable credibility, who tends to be a bit of an exaggerator. Sometimes, their stories may even move from exaggerations…to flat out being made up! While they are usually quite entertaining at parties and tell great stories, they would probably be at the bottom of your list of trustworthy people when the facts are critical. Every attorney has stories about clients who have told half-truths, left out important information, or simply made stuff up when they did not know the answer to a question.