Snellings Law PLLC Attorneys are Personal Injury Trial Lawyers

Navigating Disputed Liability: Overcoming Challenges in Personal Injury Cases with Snellings Law

Collecting and preserving evidence can make or break a personal injury case in the immediate aftermath of an accident. At Snellings Law, a North Texas personal injury law firm, we know that securing comprehensive, reliable evidence is critical to building a strong case. Below, we discuss common challenges our clients face in evidence gathering and how our firm assists them in overcoming these obstacles.

Protecting Your Rights After an Accident: The Importance of Evidence Collection and Preservation with Snellings Law

1. Immediate Evidence Collection

After an accident, gathering evidence quickly is essential, but many clients face challenges in doing so.

  • Difficulty in Gathering Evidence Immediately:Injury victims often need medical attention and are unable to focus on gathering evidence at the scene. Meanwhile, important information may be lost or overlooked.

Our Approach: Our team understands the urgency of evidence collection and takes immediate action on behalf of our clients. We work closely with private investigators and law enforcement to collect available evidence as soon as possible.

  • Identifying and Locating Witnesses: Witnesses may leave the scene before contact information can be obtained, making it difficult to track them down later.

Our Approach: Snellings Law utilizes investigative resources to locate witnesses and obtain statements. By doing this promptly, we preserve firsthand accounts while memories are still fresh.

  • Lack of Witness Information in Police Reports: Often, police reports omit witness names or contact details, which are crucial for corroborating events.

Our Approach: We obtain and thoroughly review police reports to identify potential witnesses. We follow up with law enforcement to fill in any missing information when necessary.

  • Obtaining Records from Multiple Entities: Accident records and footage are often held by various agencies, such as the police department, nearby businesses, or traffic cameras, and can be difficult to obtain.

Our Approach: At Snellings Law, we streamline the process of acquiring relevant records from various sources. We add powerful evidence to our clients’ cases by obtaining traffic or surveillance footage promptly.

Protecting Your Rights After an Accident The Importance of Evidence Collection and Preservation with Snellings Law

2. Preservation of Evidence

Evidence preservation is just as critical as initial collection, especially when dealing with at-fault parties who may attempt to alter or destroy key information.

  • Preventing Defendants from Destroying Evidence: In some cases, defendants or their representatives may try to hide or destroy evidence that could prove liability.

Our Approach: Snellings Law acts swiftly to secure evidence and prevent tampering. Our attorneys issue preservation letters, legally requiring defendants to maintain all relevant materials.

  • Obtaining a Temporary Restraining Order: For larger cases involving significant damages or corporate entities, a temporary restraining order (TRO) may be necessary to prevent the destruction of evidence.

Our Approach: When needed, we promptly file for a TRO to protect critical evidence, ensuring it is available for review and inclusion in our clients’ cases.

3. Handling Catastrophic Injury Cases

Cases involving severe or catastrophic injuries often require specialized professionals and extensive evidence collection.

Our Approach: Snellings Law collaborates with skilled accident reconstruction experts who can analyze the scene, inspect involved vehicles, and provide detailed reports that clarify the cause of the accident.

Our Approach: We prioritize comprehensive documentation, capturing as much evidence as possible to reinforce our client’s claims.

Protecting Your Rights After an Accident The Importance of Evidence Collection and Preservation with Snellings Law 2

4. Ensuring Comprehensive Documentation

In personal injury cases, the strength of a claim often hinges on the quality of documentation. Missing or incomplete evidence can weaken a case and leave it vulnerable to a “he said, she said” scenario, which is difficult to win in court.

  • Obtaining Video Footage and Witness Information: Video footage and witness accounts are often invaluable to proving fault, yet they can be challenging to collect.

Our Approach: Snellings Law works diligently to secure available footage and contact witnesses, creating a strong foundation for each case. We prioritize accuracy and thoroughness in gathering documentation to present a clear and persuasive case to the court or insurance adjusters.

  • Avoiding “He Said, She Said” Scenarios: Cases without solid evidence are often reduced to conflicting accounts of what happened, which can lead to uncertain outcomes.

Our Approach: By securing all relevant evidence and building a strong narrative supported by facts, we help our clients avoid the uncertainty of “he said, she said” situations and improve their chances of obtaining a favorable resolution.

Our Clients Are Our Priority

At Snellings Lawwe understand the importance of acting quickly to secure and preserve evidence after an accident. By addressing common challenges in evidence collection, from witness identification to obtaining temporary restraining orders, we empower our clients to protect their rights and maximize their chances for a fair resolution.

 If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident, contact Snellings Law today to learn how our experienced team can help guide you through the complex process of personal injury litigation. Give us a call at (214) 387-0387.

Snellings Law Scott Snellings

Free Strategy Session Reveals How To Avoid the Traps Insurance Companies Set for Victims to Destroy Claims.

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How it works:

  • Call us now or give us your basic information in the Free Strategy Session box
  • If your case is something we cannot help you with, we will do our best to get you the information of someone who can.
  • If we can potentially help you, we will schedule a Free Strategy Session

There is zero obligation. We want all injury victims to understand their rights and the process.

After your Free Strategy Session, you will understand where insurance companies can set traps for you and what needs to be done to avoid these traps. You will also understand the personal injury process as well as how we can help, or if you need the help of an attorney. The strategy session typically will have one of three outcomes. You:

  1. Decide to move forward with our law firm.
  2. Decide to think about it, and we will be available to answer your questions.
  3. Say, “I’ve got this,” and decide you do not need an attorney.

Again, there is zero obligation and you will be informed and understand your rights and the process. We want to arm you with knowledge to avoid the traps insurance companies set to harm your claim.