October 2023: Resilience and Triumph: 6 Years Kidney Strong
Six years ago, I opened the doors to Snellings Law. Filled with determination, excitement, and a bit of nervousness, I was ready to begin serving the community and helping others. However, this year also marks an important milestone — six Octobers ago, they rolled me back to the operating room for my kidney replacement. That’s right; just two months after Snellings Law’s grand opening, I had a kidney transplant.
With a 2-month-old law firm, two kids under 3 years old, and too much to lose, I made the best decision for my health and went under the knife. While it wasn’t ideal, it all worked out. In the weeks leading up to this procedure, I was more nervous than I’ve ever been. Would I pull through? How would it feel to give my children one last hug before leaving for the hospital? What about saying goodbye to my parents and wife when it was time for them to roll me back? What would my recovery look like and how long would it take for me to refocus my time on running my new law firm?
Finding a donor was an incredibly humbling experience. The amount of kind-hearted and loving people who were tested to find out if they were a donor match for me was astounding. Asking for help is one of my downfalls — I struggle to seek assistance when I need it. Thus, the “big ask” in search of a viable donor was tough.
Click the image below to read our full October 2o23 Newsletter!