Snellings Law PLLC Attorneys are Personal Injury Trial Attorneys
Brain Injury Lawyers
What Does A Head Injury Mean For The Future?
What is the most important organ in your body? Many would say the heart – it pumps your blood and keeps you alive! Some would say your brain – it is the essence of you! Some would say, your kidneys – that is why God gave you two of them! Alright, no one would probably say kidneys, but as a kidney transplant recipient, I had to put them in there. I think the question can be answered by this – which of these organs cannot be transplanted – at least not yet. The Brain!
Seeing as how the brain is the MOST important organ – a brain injury is always dangerous. The brain is the most important organ of your body, and damage to it can cause permanent repercussions. In the U.S., an estimated 1.7 million people per year suffer a traumatic brain injury- resulting in 15% of all hospitalizations. It is of vital importance to seek immediate medical attention after a major blow to the head – waiting could prove fatal.

How do head injuries or brain injuries affect your future?
Head injuries are also one of the leading causes of disability. A head injury may be classified as anywhere from mild to severe; however, the symptoms can be debilitating regardless of classification. Despite the categorization of the brain injury, if it was caused by someone else’s negligence, you shouldn’t have to bear all of the costs on your own. An experienced personal injury attorney can evaluate the circumstances surrounding your injury and help you receive compensation for all of the harm you have suffered. Just like it is important to seek immediate medical help, it is immensely important to seek legal help as soon as possible. With traumatic brain injuries as well as wrongful death claims, you typically only have two years to take legal action.

Brain Injury: How Personal Injury Lawyers can Help
Here is the good news – Everyone can afford an experienced personal injury attorney. Most personal injury firms, including Snellings Law PLLC operate on a contingency fee basis. This means you pay nothing up front- and all initial fees are covered by the firm. When your settlement has been received, your attorney will take a specific percentage to cover their fees. This is important because many people might not be able to afford an attorney after a catastrophic injury.
If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to the negligence of someone else, call us today. We can discuss future options and initiate the intake process. Worry about your health, and we will worry about your legal battle. Please call us for a free consultation at 214-387-0387.
If you would like to learn more about brain injury see our Traumatic Brain Injury page here.
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Learn SECRETS for navigating the Personal Injury Claim Process and find ANSWERS to your most urgent questions!
At Snellings Law PLLC, our practice focuses solely on personal injury claims. We defend our clients from insurance companies and adjusters trying to limit their claims daily. We have successfully handled cases of all sizes, including traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, amputation, and wrongful death claims. If you or a loved one has been injured due to someone else’s negligence, call Snellings Law PLLC to set up your free appointment today.
Free Strategy Session Reveals How To Avoid the Traps Insurance Companies Set for Victims to Destroy Claims.
How it works:
- Call us now or give us your basic information in the Free Strategy Session box
- If your case is something we cannot help you with, we will do our best to get you the information of someone who can.
- If we can potentially help you, we will schedule a Free Strategy Session
There is zero obligation. We want all injury victims to understand their rights and the process.
After your Free Strategy Session, you will understand where insurance companies can set traps for you and what needs to be done to avoid these traps. You will also understand the personal injury process as well as how we can help, or if you need the help of an attorney. The strategy session typically will have one of three outcomes. You:
- Decide to move forward with our law firm.
- Decide to think about it, and we will be available to answer your questions.
- Say, “I’ve got this,” and decide you do not need an attorney.
Again, there is zero obligation and you will be informed and understand your rights and the process. We want to arm you with knowledge to avoid the traps insurance companies set to harm your claim.