Snellings Law PLLC Attorneys are Personal Injury Trial Lawyers

The Importance of Getting a Physical Every Year

What You Need to Know:

When it comes to maintaining good health, many people focus on diet and exercise. However, another crucial aspect often gets overlooked: annual physical exams. Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider are vital in preventive care and can significantly impact your overall well-being.

At Snellings Law, we value the health of this community. Since we work closely with injury victims and healthcare providers, we see the effects of poor health conditions firsthand. Getting annual physical check-ups is important for taking the best care of yourself.

An annual physical helps identify potential health issues before they become severe and ensures that existing conditions are properly managed. This proactive approach to health care can lead to earlier interventions, more effective treatments, and a healthier life.

The Importance of Getting a Physical Every Year

What to Expect During a Physical Wellness Check

A physical wellness exam is more than just a routine visit to the doctor; it is a comprehensive evaluation. During a physical exam, your doctor will check your:

  • Eyes
  • Ears
  • Nose
  • Mouth
  • Heart
  • Lungs
  • Nervous system
  • Mental health

If you are a woman or assigned female at birth, your doctor will perform a breast exam to check for breast cancer. For men or people assigned male at birth, your doctor will check your genitals and prostate for cancer.

Your doctor will also review your vital signs. Your vital signs provide a snapshot of your current health. They will check your:

  • Height
  • Weight
  • Blood pressure
  • Breathing rate
  • Pulse
  • Temperature

Additionally, your doctor might conduct various tests and screenings. They may draw your blood to send to a lab. These tests can give insights into your kidneys, liver, blood chemistry, and immune system health. By running these tests, they can find any health problems stemming from these areas. They’ll also get a list of your medical and surgical history and the names of other healthcare providers you’ve seen. That way, they can send reports to these doctors if you wish.

Your doctor will also review your medical history and ask you questions about your lifestyle. This will allow your doctor to give you personalized advice on nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle factors that contribute to long-term health.

What to Expect During a Physical Wellness Check

You should also inform your doctor about any medications you’re taking and if you need a refill. If you’re having symptoms of any kind, let your doctor know what they are, how often they occur, how long they’ve lasted, and what you’re taking to relieve them. They may lead to something more serious. Your doctor can then address your symptoms, find the issue, and outline your health plan.

While at your physical, you’ll have a chance to address any concerns you might have. Make sure to take the opportunity to ask questions if you have them. Your doctor is there to answer them; letting questions go unaddressed could harm your health. Your doctor cannot help you unless they know what you need, so don’t hide anything that could be of concern.

Key Reasons to Prioritize Your Annual Health Check-Up

Getting a physical exam each year may seem tedious, but there are many reasons why you should get one. They are a good opportunity to check your general health, look for underlying conditions, and address any concerns you have.

It may not seem so, but getting an annual physical exam each year can help you save money over time. Healthcare can be expensive, but getting the physical exam annually can help you spot issues early on. Many serious health conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, or even certain cancers, can develop silently without obvious symptoms. Annual visits allow your healthcare provider to catch these conditions in their early stages when they are often more treatable and reduce long-term costs. By taking a preventive approach, you address potential problems before they escalate and significantly enhance your chances of successful treatment and recovery.

If you have existing conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease, an annual checkup is a good time to discuss them. You can let your doctor know how you have been managing them, and they can then update your treatment plan. It is beneficial to do this yearly so that your treatment plan is current and follows the latest health data.

Regular check-ups also help you stay on top of necessary vaccinations and screenings. Vaccines have eradicated many diseases by creating herd immunity. Herd immunity is when a significant portion of the population is immune from a certain disease. Diseases like smallpox and polio were eradicated through the use of vaccines. You also need yearly vaccines for diseases like the flu to prevent the chances of dying due to the disease. Therefore, it’s important to stay up-to-date on vaccinations to prevent spreading diseases that can harm you and those around you.

Key Reasons to Prioritize Your Annual Health Check-Up

Your doctor can also make recommendations to improve or maintain your current health. To best do this, you need to get checked annually. Establishing a consistent pattern of annual check-ups allows your healthcare provider to build a detailed understanding of your health over time, making it easier to spot changes or emerging issues. Additionally, if you’re ever in a car accident, having an established health record can help in your case. Sometimes, adjusters will try to avoid compensating you for your injuries by saying your symptoms from the crash came from previous health conditions. If you have a documented health history, you can more easily prove that your injuries and symptoms are not preexisting.

Finding a Trusted Healthcare Provider: Tips and Resources

It can be hard to feel motivated to get an annual check-up if you don’t have a primary care physician who you trust. However, there are many useful tools to help you find a doctor if you need one.

Zocdoc can connect you with providers in your area. You can narrow down your search by insurance, specialty, and hospital. You can also find specialty doctors or search by services provided or conditions for which you need treatment. You can often book your appointment through the site.

Your insurance provider often has a healthcare finder on their website. You can use this to find providers in your area who take your insurance. It’s also helpful to ask friends and family about their healthcare providers. If they are satisfied with their treatment and their doctor is taking new patients, you might also want to see if that provider is a good fit for you.

Snellings Law Cares About Your Health

At Snellings Law, we understand the importance of maintaining your health and well-being, so we emphasize the value of annual physical exams. We are committed to supporting our community by sharing valuable information that helps you make informed decisions about your health.

If you haven’t had your annual physical this year, we encourage you to schedule one soon. Our team is here to support you with legal matters and by advocating for your overall health and well-being.

Together, let’s commit to prioritizing our health by making annual physicals a regular part of our routine. By doing so, we take charge of our own well-being and set an example for those around us. Here’s to a healthier future for all—stay proactive and take good care of yourself!

Snellings Law Cares About Your Health

Additionally, if you or a loved one have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, please schedule a free strategy session with one of our attorneys to discuss your case today. Our team is here to help you get the support and healing you need. Call us today at (214) 387-0387 to schedule.

Free Strategy Session Reveals How To Avoid the Traps Insurance Companies Set for Victims to Destroy Claims.

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How it works:

  • Call us now or give us your basic information in the Free Strategy Session box
  • If your case is something we cannot help you with, we will do our best to get you the information of someone who can.
  • If we can potentially help you, we will schedule a Free Strategy Session

There is zero obligation. We want all injury victims to understand their rights and the process.

After your Free Strategy Session, you will understand where insurance companies can set traps for you and what needs to be done to avoid these traps. You will also understand the personal injury process as well as how we can help, or if you need the help of an attorney. The strategy session typically will have one of three outcomes. You:

  1. Decide to move forward with our law firm.
  2. Decide to think about it, and we will be available to answer your questions.
  3. Say, “I’ve got this,” and decide you do not need an attorney.

Again, there is zero obligation and you will be informed and understand your rights and the process. We want to arm you with knowledge to avoid the traps insurance companies set to harm your claim.